Storjungfrun gästhamn
Accommodation Hotels Guest harbour

Storjungfrun Guest Harbour

Welcome to Storjungfrun's Guest Harbor.

At Fyrhamnen on Storjungfrun, there are 15 guest spaces on the pier with solar-powered lighting and a charging station.

1-2.5m depth
N61 09 98 E17 20 04

15 guest places at the pier, environmental toilet, sauna, environmental station and barbecue areas. Solar powered charging station 12V for cell phones etc. is located in the sauna building.
The port fee is paid through

The island Storjungfrun is about 3.5 km long in a north-south direction and 1.5 km wide. There are about 14 km of marked trails on the island waiting to be explored.
The island is relatively unexploited with a varied landscape, rich in flora, several historical values that are of great importance for outdoor life and recreation. An old fishing village with a chapel which, like the boathouses, dates from the 17th century. The lighthouse was built in the early 19th century and was one of the first to guide shipping. The island has given its name to the Jungfrukusten, which is the coastal section Älvkarleby - Sundsvall. Rental cottages at Fyrhamnen and on the west side of the island at Toppatall beach.


  • Sauna
  • WC
  • Close to nature
  • Hiking trails
  • 24 hours check-in
  • Beach


  • Sauna
  • WC
  • Close to nature
  • Hiking trails
  • 24 hours check-in
  • Beach