En härlig tur på långfärdsskridskor i Söderhamns skärgård

Long-distance ice skating

Gliding across a frozen lake or through Söderhamn's archipelago on long-distance skates is a wonderful way to embrace winter. In Söderhamn, several small lakes freeze over before snow arrives, and during cold, snow-free winters, the archipelago often offers breathtaking skating opportunities.

Ice Conditions
For advice and the latest updates on ice conditions, contact Friluftsfrämjandet Söderhamn:
Ove Haglund, Tel: +46 70-696 04 53


Skating on the sea

Stay safe!

Here’s what to bring for a safe and enjoyable skating adventure:

  • Backpack with waist and leg straps
  • Waterproof packed change of clothes, including jacket, pants, extra layers, and snacks
  • Ice claws with a whistle
  • Ice pole and spare skate pole
  • Safety rope with an extension strap and carabiner
  • Two friends—or better yet, a whole group—for company and support

Discover more

Söderhamn is full of winter fun—explore these sledding spots and create cherished family memories this snowy season!